Till the time, we have 33,83,669 Demat accounts in the country, a lot of which were opened during the start of the IPO craze after the nationwide lockdown. Only a fraction of these accounts existed before the pandemic. NEPSE was one of the very few investment alternatives open in the latter days of the lockdown, which is a major reason that attracted people from all walks of life into the capital market.
It was in this very year that payment became completely online for investors. The pandemic forced officials to work diligently in the digitization of the securities market, a necessity that used to be ignored in the past. We’ve had instances of Meroshare not being able to handle traffic spikes, TMS showing erroneous data, and NEPSE’s official website going down during peak hours. Nonetheless, the concerned bodies have worked to keep technical glitches to a minimum, and NEPSE has certainly come out of the year 2077 stronger in technology.
A total of 19 IPO issues opened this year. All of the companies that issued an IPO this year and have traded in NEPSE have proved profitable if we compare the LTP and the price in which the shares were issued.
Market Review of 2077 BS
The market in the year 2077 BS opened at 1,250.95 and closed at 2,714.79, which is also the all-time high. With this, the index has gained over 117%, which is a massive gain.
Meanwhile, the lowest point reached by the index was 1,149.73, three days after NEPSE traded in the year 2077.
NEPSE Statistics in the Year 2077 BS
In the year 2077 BS, shares worth over Rs 8.54 Kharba were traded through 91,27,981 transactions. The total number of traded shares stands at 2,00,84,67,140. The turnover amount rose by a massive 363.93% this year compared to the previous year.
The Market Capitalization of NEPSE increased by 134.91% compared to the data in the previous year.
Indices and Sub-indices Review
The price and percentage change of the indices for the year 2077 BS is given below:
Monthwise Breakdown of Total Turnover:
It is seen that the latter months of the year 2077 saw a surge in investor activity and turnover.
Top Stocks by Turnover:
Nepal Reinsurance Company Limited (NRIC) was the top traded company of 2077. Meanwhile, Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited (NLIC) is the 2nd most traded company of the year.
The top traded company of the respective sector is shown below:
Top Stocks by Number of Transactions:
Nepal Reinsurance Company Limited (NRIC) was also the top company based on the number of transactions for 2077 BS.
Top Stocks by Volume:
Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) was the top company based on volume for 2077 BS.
Top Brokers of the Year 2077:
Naasa Securities (Broker No- 58) was the top broker of the Year 2077 and its total transaction (buy/sell) amount stood at Rs 109,953,580,215.66.
Top companies with Highest Market Capitalizations:
Wrapping Up
2077 was a very blissful year for NEPSE. Nepal’s capital market is being more matured by the day, and Sharesansar as an entity is incredibly elated to be a part of this journey. The exchange, regulatory body, broker companies, DP institutions, investors, and all other news portals have done a commendable job. Mutual cooperation is strength, and we as a nation have achieved wonderful things this year in the securities market.
May your new year be blessed with peace, love, and joy. We wish you warmth of affection and prosperity in the upcoming year 2078.
Ref: ShareSansar