As per data published by NEPSE, there is already around 445353 online user of NEPSE on 4th March, 201. Due to COVID 19 effect, online users of  “Nepse TMS” are increasing day by day.

Nepse provides a user manual for TMS user, still, there is some simple but confusing tiny question we frequently asked to understand.

if you are wondering about how to do the transaction online in Nepse after obtaining a TMS login then it might help you.

If you are completely new to the share market then visit our site to understand the procedure of obtaining online user-id for share trading in Nepal.

How to place an order for the first order of  IPO in Nepse TMS?

You can place an order under Special pre-order for the first transaction after listing as described under in between 9:30 to 9:45.

For the first transaction, the range will be provided. you have to place an order in that range.

How to place an order in the pre-opening Session of Nepse TMS?

To place an order in a pre-open session select PRE OPEN  only from 9.30 to 9.45

Only a 5% change allowed for these sessions.

You May Also like Things to Know before entering in secondary share Market in Nepal


Can we sell odd lot share in online?

Unlike earlier, we can place an odd lot share less than 10 anytime by selecting an odd lot as under.

odd lot Nepse TMS

why TMS shows the error of “exceeding Trading limit while placing first order online?

After getting an online user id of Nepse TMS  for online transactions in Nepse you have to upload collateral amount in TMS. Upload the amount by asking your broker based on cheque or transaction or by yourself through load collateral if collateral available shows zero balance.

nepse tms collateral


Can we upload collateral online?

Currently, we have two option to upload amount in NepseTms either through connect IPS or Globel IME bank so click in load collateral and select your account if your broker use bank integration service.

load collateral in Nepse

What is the trading limit if I upload 5000 as collateral in my account?

From my personal experience, the trading limit is  4 times of uploaded amount  i.e 20000 limits for 5000

Can we open the Nepse TMS (online ) account without visiting the broker office?

Due to COVID 19 effect, some broker like NASA, SANI, and are providing online service for opening online accounts for Nepse.

For opening account from NASA visit the link and click Registered now and create an online account.

Update: Nepse adds an additional feature in the NEPSE TMS website so visit the URL of your brokers.  Click in the register and fill your firm and obtain login credentials accordingly without visiting Brokers office.

How to Bye or sale Mutual funds and debenture?

To bye or sell or mutual fund or Debenture or preference share, you have to select Instrument as under.

Nepse TMS mutual fund and debenture



What is AON order in Nepse TMS

As described in the picture we can place an order under Validity
Day: Order will be cancelled at the end of the day if not execute
GTC: Good till cancel Order will remain valid if not cancelled for a 15 days
GTD: Good till date will remain valid for the prescribed period.
AON: All or Not will proceed only if all the order quantity is available at the same price. Commission for transaction less than 2500 will be rs 25 in case of other order multiple transactions will execute for a small amount which will levy a higher commission, so AON is beneficial for that transaction

nepse TMS AON all or not

What is the collateral amount and trading limit difference?

Collateral amount is the amount of your security like ,cash deposit,cheque deposit etc and Trading limit is the limit provided by brokers for your transaction .Which is normally four times of your collateral amount.

Make sure you are using correct URL,each Brokers have separate URL.

IF you have any query or suggestion then contract us via our Facebook Page.



  • ABC

    May 22, 2021 - 1:33 pm

    Registered Investment company still posting articles of others removing their name without permission and credit. Best of luck.

    • UniHome

      May 23, 2021 - 3:54 am

      Dear Sir!
      Many thanks for your remarks. We are sorry for missing the source of information on early post. We have added there now. We primarily focus on publishing first hand informations only. However, relevant and useful articles may be often cited and we will commit to provide credit for the authors there.


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