Stocks other than listed in NEPSE and lacking regular trading platform are unlisted shares (ULS). These are the stocks that are only traded on the OTC (Over-the-Counter). These stocks may possess high quality and most likely to explode as planned for huge low-risk profits. The Extraordinary Investor will already have purchased his shares first in such stocks , which is why such investor gains the advantage from the risks others take- those who jump in after the stock begins its explosive trend up. We have Solid in-depth fundamental analysis and basic technical analysis for locating those thinly traded stocks anywhere in the stock market with the greatest possible trading success.
Strategy for trading ULS:
We are introducing ourselves as a trader for the Unlisted, Unquoted, Delisted, Rare Nepalese and Pre IPO Shares. At present there is no exclusive broking firm for the above said shares, so we have decided to provide an online platform like a stock exchange for Selling and Buying the Unlisted, Unquoted, Delisted, Rare and Pre IPO Shares.